序言4 弘扬千年国宝,走中医现代化之路
Preface 4 Promoting the National millennium Treasure Going on the Road of The moderniation of Traditional Chinese Medicine
李定忠教授是我们经络研究的协作伙伴。李定忠教授从1954年开始至今已从事中西医结合临床及经络研究工作61年。他在多学科大协作现代研究的配合下,完成多项科研成果,均经过单项国家验收及科学鉴定通过。此次鉴定内容是在多项成果基础上的升华和创新,在合作者的支持和帮助下,写成第六本经络专著。 2003年曾在著名针灸学家、中国中医科学院副院长、世界针联终身名誉主席、世界级非物质文化遗产中医针灸项目传承人王雪苔资深研究员的主持下进行鉴定评审会,证明其设计合理、资料可靠、结果可信,评为突破性进展成果。
Professor LI Dingzhong, being our partner of meridian research cooperation, early since 1954 has been engaging in the clinical therapy and the meridian research for 61 years. With the cooperation of multibranches of disciplines, many various achievements have been completed, every one of which has been checked and accepted by the National level, and the scientific inspections have been passed as well. The contents of the evaluation of this time are the innovation and raising to higher level, being helped and supported by cooperators to finish writing this sixth meridian treatise books. In 2003 on the Evaluation and Checking up Meeting, these achievements have been verified as reasonable design, reliable material, results believable and are estimated as the breakthrough advances. The chairman of that meeting was WANG Xuetai, the famous scholar in the acupuncture field, the deputy director of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, the lifelong honorary chairman of the World Federation Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), the inheritor of The Acupuncture-moxibustion Subject of World Intangible Cultural Heritage, professional researcher.
12 years has passed, Professor LI Dingzhong still insists on the principle of the combination between theory and practice, working industriously for therapeutic practice and meridian modern research combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and western medicine, and continuously having new discoveries and innovations He clearly proposed that the meridian is the National Millennium Treasure, the original creative life science, having“quantum”feature. He proposed the kernel theories, such as the meridian essence, meridian operational rules and mechanisms, as well as the regulating mechanisms, etc. and recognized that the existence of the meridian is dependent by gene, being the self-organized connective movement and the intellectual self-perfective system. By stimulating to get through the electric conductive circulated meridian ring, the same curing effects for multiple diseases, the internal diseases cured by external treatment, the effects of dual-directional regulation, highly effective and rapid regulation according to genetic and intrinsic program with routinizational regulation. All these have been verified by many cases and experiments. Thus, all the materials with facts are believable.
I am one of the experts of the Evaluation and Checking up Meeting held in 2003. At present, more development and innovations have been obtained based on the former achievements. I would like to recommend this achievement to be synthetically evaluated and checked. I also consider that this achievement is hopeful and significant for defending national Millennium Treasure, to inherit and hand down, develop and promote Chinese science and culture, to benefit the mankind, to rejuvenate China, to create the combination between TCM and western medicine with real significance, to form new Chinese medical science.
ZHU Bing
The Former Director of the Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of China Academy of Chinese
Medical Sciences, Researcher, Conductor of PhD students
16th December, 2015