1 Herbert Simon, Models of My Life , New York: Basic Books, 1991, pp. 175-188.
2 Herbert Simon, “Rational Choice and the Structure of the Environment” , Psychological Review, 63, 1956:129-138.
3 Simon, Models of My Life, pp175-177. For the stories by Borges, see Donald Yates and James Irby, eds., Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings by Jorge Luis Borges, New York: New Directions, 1964.
4 Simon, Models of My Life, pp. 177-178.
5 Jorge Luis Borges, “The Library of Babel”, in Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings by Jorge Luis Borges, ed. Donald Yates and James Irby, New York: New Directions, 1964, p. 53.
6 同上,第53页。
7 Simon, Models of My Life, pp.180,181.
8 同上,第187—188页。
9 同上,第188页。
10 For “monomania”, and for “whole career as a gloss”, see Herbert Simon, Models of Man: Social and Rational. Mathematical Essays on Rational Behavior in a Social Setting, New York:Wiley, 1957, p. vii; for “obvious responses” , see Simon, Models ofMy Life, pp. xvii-xviii.
11 Simon, Models of My Life, p. 177.
12 同上,第3-5, xxv-xxvi页。
13 同上,第3-6、14、22页。
14 同上,第22页。
15 同上,第 108页。
16 同上,第109页。
17 同上,第19—20页。
18 同上,第22页。关于德国和美国的职业情况,参见“资料来源笔记”。
19 同上,第5页。
20 Herbert Simon, interview by Hunter Crowther-Heyck, 10/19/1997.
21 Simon, Models of My Life. Also see Pamela McCorduck, “Transcript of Interview with Herbert Simon, April 1975” , 4/9/1975, HSP, Box52, ff: Pamela McCorduck Interviews-1975, pp. 14-15.
22 关于人文科学的性别情况,参见“资料来源笔记”。
23 Simon, Models of My Life, pp. 7,19,23.
24 Herbert Simon,“What It Means to Me to Be Jewish”, essay dated 6/9/1994, contained in a personal communication to the author, dated 4/24/2000. This essay was published as Herbert Simon, “What It Means to Me to Be Jewish”, in Jewish: Does It Make a Difference?, ed. Elvira Nadin and Mihai Nadin ,Middle Village, NY: Jonathan David Publishers,2000.
25 同上。
26 David Tyack, The One Best System: A History of American Urban Education,Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1974, title page.
27 I borrow the distinction between “shop” and “school” cultures from Monte Calvert, The Mechanical Engineer in America, 1830-1910: Professional Cultures in Conflict, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1967.
28 George Marsden, The Soul of the American University: From Protestant Establishment to Established Nonbelief, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998; George M.Marsden and Bradley J. Longfield, The Secularization of the Academy,New York: Oxford University Press, 1992; Edward J. Larson, Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America’s Continuing Debate over Science and Religion ,Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998.
29 Dorothy Ross, G. Stanley Hall: The Psychologist as Prophet, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972.
30 David A. Hollinger, Science, Jews, and Secular Culture: Studies in Mid-Twentieth-Century American Intellectual History, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996; Marsden, The Soul of the American University.
31 Simon, “What It Means to Me to Be Jewish” .
32 Herbert Simon, “Letter to Brother Benedict” , 11/22/1947, HSP, Box 5, ff 198, p. 1.
33 Simon, Models of My Life, p. 179.
34 同上,第5、17、xxiii 页。
35 Simon, “What It Means to Me to Be Jewish” .
36 Simon, Models of My Life, p. 23.
37 McCorduck, “Interview with Herbert Simon” .西蒙与纽威尔约定轮流报告工作成果,每次只有一个人出席会议。西蒙与詹姆斯·马奇(James March)和哈罗德·格兹考(Harold Guetzkow)的合作也坚持类似的原则:结果就是, 《组织》(Organizations)通常被视为马奇的著作,尽管西蒙领导了产生这本书的整个项目,撰写了几个关键章节并编辑了其他的章节。
38 同上,第19页。
39 Simon, Models of My Life, pp.8-9, 18.
40 McCorduck, “Interview with Herbert Simon”, p.20.
41 Herbert A. Simon, Peter Drucker, and Dwight Waldo, “‘Development of Theory of Democratic Administration’: Replies and Comments”, American Political Science Review 46, no.2 (1952):494-503, at 501.
42 Simon, Models of My Life, p. 144.
43 Herbert Simon, Models of Discovery: And Other Topics in the Methods of Science,Boston: D. Reidel, 1977, p. xv; Herbert Simon, “Letter to George Madow”, 7/25/1955, HSP, Box 35, ff: Madow, William G.-Correspondence, 1951-1955; Herbert Simon,“Letter to Dwight Waldo” , 3/10/1953, HSP, Box6, ff 222, p.1.
44 Simon, Models of My Life, p. 65.
45 McCorduck, “Interview with Herbert Simon”, p. 14.
46 Simon, Models of My Life, p.14;Simon, The Proverbs of Administration, Public Administration Review 6(1946):53-67;Allen Newell and Herbert Simon, “Heuristic Problem Solving”, Journal of the Operations Research Society of America 6(1958):1-10.西蒙宣称,这些引发激烈争论的预测并不意味着人们真要这样去做。不管怎样,他肯定得承受它们带给他的骂名。McCorduck, “Interview with Herbert Simon”, pp.21-32。
47 Simon, Models of My Life, p.48.
48 同上,第268页。 Some of the more lengthy public exchanges were those with Dwight Waldo on political science, Chris Argyris on organization theory, and with the editors of the CMU student paper on technology, society, and the war in Vietnam.See Dwight Waldo, “Development of Theory of Democratic Administration”, American Political Science Review 46, no.1 (81-103):81–103; Herbert Simon, “Letter to Taylor Cole of the APSR”, 4/16/1952, HSP, Box 10, ff: APSR Correspondence: 1950-1974. Also see the exchanges between Argyris and Simon in the Public Administration Review 33(1973); Herbert Simon, “Prometheus Unbound” and “Reflections on the Revolution of Our Times” (both 1970) and his letter to the editors of the CMU Tartan of 10/24/1970, all found in HSP, Box 61, ff:Autobiography——Source Documents 1969-1988.
49 Simon, Models of My Life, pp.9–10.
50 Herbert Simon, “The Reminiscences of Herbert Simon”,1979, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, New York, p.42.
51 McCorduck, “Interview with Herbert Simon”, p.15.
52 同上。
53 Simon, Models of My Life, p.10.
54 Herbert A. Simon, “Letter to Kathie and David”, 5/23/1965, HSP, Box 61, ff: Materials for Autobiography-1982.
55 Simon, Models of My Life, pp.3,28.
① 1894年,法国犹太裔军官德雷福斯被诬犯有叛国罪的事件。——编者注。若未另作说明,本书脚注皆为编者注。
② Charles Proteus Steinmetz(1865—1923),德国——美国电机工程师。
③ Oliver Heaviside(1850—1925),英国物理学家。