a mensa et thoro
【英文】A MENSA ET THORO,from bed and board.A divorce a mensa et thoro,is rather a separation of the parties by act of law,than a dissolution of the marriage.It may be granted for the causes of extreme cruelty or desertion of the wife by the husband.This kind of divorce does not affect the legitimacy of children,nor authorize a second marriage.
【解释】a mensa et thoro是拉丁语,表示“夫妻不共寝食”、“分居离婚”,这种离婚在法律上仍保留夫妻关系但不共寝食。随着1857年建立离婚法院并引入司法程序后,a mensa et thoro事实上被“司法别居”(judicial separation)所取代。judicial separation指并不解除婚姻关系夫妇的法定分居。
1.A mensa et thoro is a Latin phrase which means “from table and bed”,often translated as “from bed and board”,in which “board” is a word for “table”. Separation a mensa et thoro is essentially a separation that is sanctioned by a court order,meaning that the spouses may legally live apart,but they are still legally married.The legitimacy of any future child born to the couple remains intact,and the spouses may not legally remarry.This type of separation allows the couple to live apart without concerns about being taken to court for “desertion”.〔译文:拉丁语a mensa et thoro 相当于英文的“from table and bed”,因table一词指board而常被译成英文“from bed and board”,本意为“膳宿”,转意指夫妻关系。夫妻分居式离婚实质为法院命令准予的分居,即夫妻双方从法律上讲可以分开居住,但在法律意义上他们仍然是夫妻关系。任何还未出生的小孩之合法性不受影响,且夫妻双方从法律意义上也不能再婚。此种分居形式使得夫妻双方可以分开住,而不必担心因“遗弃”罪名而被告到法院。〕
另外,a mensa et thoro是英国宗教法上的离婚形式,其优点在于此种离婚形式可以使子女继续具有婚生子女享有的一切权利。正如下面的英文解释所说,它是一种“分居式离婚”,是“部分离婚”(partial divorce)而非“完全离婚”(full divorce)。英国宗教法上的离婚有两种形式,除a mensa et thoro之外,还有a vinculo matrimonii,其是“解除婚姻关系”,即“完全离婚”。这种形式很少适用,因其严重后果是会导致子嗣丧失婚生子女的诸项权利。
2.Divorces are of two kinds:(1)a vinculo matrimonii,which dissolves and totally severs the marriage tie;and,(2)a mensa et thoro,which merely separates the parties.The divorce a vinculo was never granted by the ecclesiastical law except for the most grave reasons.In England such a divorce bastardizes the issue,and generally speaking,is allowed only on the ground of some preexisting cause,but sometimes by act of parliament for a supervenient cause.When the marriage was dissolved for canonical causes of impediment existing previous to its taking place,it was declared void ab initio.〔译文:离婚有两种形式:(1)“完全离婚”,指完全解除并切断(sever)婚姻关系;以及(2)“部分离婚”(分居性离婚),指仅分开双方。非常严重的原因除外,宗教法从未允许过“完全离婚”。在英国,此种完全离婚就宣告了后代(issue)为私生子,而且通常仅能以某种预先存在的原因为由才能准予完全离婚,但有时依据议会法令可以因后来出现的原因而准予离婚。如果结婚前就存在教会规定的(当事人身体)残疾或缺陷等原因,婚姻解除之时按教规会宣布婚姻自始无效。〕