JOJO and TATA cheer excitedly because they found the seven-color light. Suddenly they feel a shock on the ground,and hear a strange voice. “Who woke me up?” Avalanche angrily stomps the floor. JOJO and TATA are scared and quickly cover their eyes with their hands.
Rainbow: Avalanche,you scared our guests. They are JOJO and TATA. They come here to complete a science expedition. I have already introduced myself. It’s your turn to show your power to them.
Rainbow: You don’t need be nervous. Avalanche is very quiet most of the time,but it is scary when it occasionally lose its temper.
Avalanche: Hello,JOJO. I am sorry that I scared you. Usually,I am particularly sleepy. Once I am awakened,I will be particularly angry.
TATA quickly hides behind JOJO.