Filling out the company information section
We will get rid of this new distraction now.
How to do it…
Fill in the details as follows:
- As suggested in the message, click on the Additional Information tab just below the message itself.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see the following form as shown in the screenshot but without any data in it:
Clearly, no explanation of what to fill in the form is necessary, just to say that what you enter is what your store will show to the public. So, if you are entering a phone number or other pertinent information, make sure it is the business information that you want the world to know about.
- And don't forget to click on Save in the top right-hand corner when you are done.
How it works...
VirtueMart was just warning us that the most basic information required to configure the store was missing. Now it is entered, the warning is gone. We will enter more data about your company soon.
See also
- The Fixing the safe path warning recipe