Clojure for Data Science

Introducing AcmeContent

To help illustrate the concepts in this chapter, let's imagine that we've recently been appointed for the data scientist role at AcmeContent. The company runs a website that lets visitors share video clips that they've enjoyed online.

One of the metrics AcmeContent tracks through its web analytics is dwell time. This is a measure of how long a visitor stays on the site. Clearly, visitors who spend a long time on the site are enjoying themselves and AcmeContent wants its visitors to stay as long as possible. If the mean dwell time increases, our CEO will be very happy.


Dwell time is the length of time between the time a visitor first arrives at a website and the time they make their last request to your site.

A bounce is a visitor who makes only one request—their dwell time is zero.

As the company's new data scientist, it falls to us to analyze the dwell time reported by the website's analytics and measure the success of AcmeContent's site.