Azure IoT Development Cookbook

How to do it...

Let's look at this section to create IoT Hub using PowerShell:

  1. Open PowerShell in administrator mode:
Start PowerShell in administrator mode
  1. Once the PowerShell window is ready, log in to the Azure account using the command:
Login to Azure account
  1. If you have only one Azure subscription, then you are good to go.
  2. If you have multiple subscriptions, first we need to select the subscription which we need to work on.
  3. To view a list of all the available Azure subscription for your work use the following command:
  1. Select the subscription with the command, (in my case it is Visual Studio Enterprise):
Select-AzureRMSubscription -SubscriptionName "{subscription name}"
Select the Azure account to work with
  1. Before we create the IoT Hub, we need to create a resource group, which this IoT Hub will be a part of.
  2. The command to create a new resource group is the following:
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name MyBookIoTHub -Location "West US"
Add new resource group
  1. We will create the IoT Hub using the following command:
New-AzureRmIotHub `
-ResourceGroupName MyBookIoTHub `
-Name MyBookIoTHub `
-SkuName S1 -Units 1 `
-Location "West US"
Azure IoT Hub created
  1. You can log in to the Azure portal and view the newly created IoT Hub:
IoT Hub list view
  1. To view the available IoT Hub in your account, use the command:
  1. To delete an existing IoT Hub, use the following command:
Remove-AzureRmIotHub `
-ResourceGroupName MyBookIoTHub `
-Name MyBookIoTHub