The Unix design philosophy
As a network application scales, the volume of information it must recognize, organize, and maintain increases. This volume, in terms of I/O streams, memory usage, and processor load, expands as more clients connect. This expansion of information volume also burdens the software developer. Scaling issues appear, usually demonstrating a failure to accurately predict the behavior of a large system from the behavior of its smaller predecessors:
- Can a data layer designed for storing a few thousand records accommodate a few million?
- Are the algorithms used to search a handful of records efficient enough to search many more?
- Can this server handle 10,000 simultaneous client connections?
The edge of innovation is sharp and cuts quickly, presenting less time for deliberation precisely when the cost of error is magnified. The shape of objects comprising the whole of an application becomes amorphous and difficult to understand, particularly as ad hoc modifications are made, reactively, in response to dynamic tension in the system. What is described in a specification as a small subsystem may have been patched into so many other systems, that its actual boundaries are misunderstood. When this happens, it becomes impossible to accurately trace the outline of the composite parts of the whole.
Eventually, an application becomes unpredictable. It is dangerous when one cannot predict all future states of an application, or the side effects of change. Any number of servers, programming languages, hardware architectures, management styles, and so on, have attempted to subdue the intractable problem of risk following growth, of failure menacing success. Oftentimes, systems of even greater complexity are sold as the cure. The hold that any one person has on information is tenuous. Complexity follows scale; confusion follows complexity. As resolution blurs, errors happen.
Node chose clarity and simplicity instead, echoing a philosophy from decades earlier:
"Write programs that do one thing and do it well.
Write programs to work together.
Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface."
-Peter H. Salus, A Quarter-Century of Unix, 1994
From their experiences creating and maintaining Unix, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie came up with a philosophy for how people should best build software. Using this philosophy as his guide, Ryan Dahl made a number of decisions in the design of Node:
- Node's design favors simplicity over complexity
- Node uses familiar POSIX APIs, rather than attempting an improvement
- Node does everything with events, and doesn't need threads
- Node leverages the existing C libraries, rather than trying to reimplement their functionality
- Node favors text over binary formats
Text streams are the language of Unix programs. JavaScript got good at manipulating text from its beginning as a web scripting language. It's a natural fit.