Getting the dataset
Datasets can be obtained from different sources. The ones important for us are:
- Classical datasets such as Iris (botanical measurements of flowers composed by R. Fisher in 1936), MNIST (60,000 handwritten digits published in 1998), Titanic (personal information of Titanic passengers from Encyclopedia Titanica and other sources), and others. Many classical datasets are available as part of Python and R ML packages. They represent some classical types of ML tasks and are useful for demonstrations of algorithms. Meanwhile, there is no similar library for Swift. Implementation of such a library would be straightforward and is a low-hanging fruit for anyone who wants to get some stars on GitHub.
- Open and commercial dataset repositories. Many institutions release their data for everyone's needs under different licenses. You can use such data for training production models or while collecting your own dataset.
Some public dataset repositories include:
The UCI ML repository: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.html
Kaggle datasets: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets
data.world, a social network for dataset sharing: https://data.world
To find more, visit the list of repositories at KDnuggets: http://www.kdnuggets.com/datasets/index.html. Alternatively, you'll find a list of datasets at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_datasets_for_machine_learning_research.
- Data collection (acquisition) is required if no existing data can help you to solve your problem. This approach can be costly both in resources and time if you have to collect the data ad hoc; however, in many cases, you have data as a byproduct of some other process, and you can compose your dataset by extracting useful information from the data. For example, text corpuses can be composed by crawling Wikipedia or news sites. iOS automatically collects some useful data. HealthKit is a unified database of users' health measurements. Core Motion allows getting historical data on user's motion activities. The ResearchKit framework provides standardized routines to assess the user's health conditions. The CareKit framework standardizes the polls. Also, in some cases, useful information can be obtained from app log mining.
- In many cases, to collect data is not enough, as raw data doesn't suit many ML tasks well. So, the next step after data collection is data labeling. For example, you have collected dataset of images, so now you have to attach a label to each of them: to which category does this image belong? This can be done manually (often at expense), automatically (sometimes impossible), or semi-automatically. Manual labeling can be scaled by means of crowdsourcing platforms, like Amazon Mechanical Turk.
- Random data generation can be useful for a quick check of your ideas or in combination with the TDD approach. Also, sometimes adding some controlled randomness to your real data can improve the results of learning. This approach is known as data augmentation. For instance, this approach was taken to build an optical character recognition feature in the Google Translate mobile app. To train their model, they needed a lot of real-world photos with letters in different languages, which they didn't have. The engineering team bypassed this problem by creating a large dataset of letters with artificial reflections, smudges, and all kinds of corruptions on them. This improved the recognition quality significantly.
- Real-time data sources, such as inertial sensors, GPS, camera, microphone, elevation sensor, proximity sensor, touch screen, force touch, and Apple Watch sensors can be used to collect a standalone dataset or to train a model on the fly.
Real-time data sources are especially important for the special class of ML models called online ML , which allows models to embed new data. A good example of such a situation is spam filtering, where the model should dynamically adapt to the new data. It's the opposite of batch learning, when the whole training dataset should be available from the very beginning.