Google Functions
Google joined the party a little late compared to AWS Lambda and Azure Functions. They came onto the market with a beta version of Cloud Functions in March 2017. Currently, we can write Google Functions through Node.js; they will be supporting other languages soon. They support internal event bus triggers and also HTTP triggers, which respond to events such as GitHub WebHooks, slack, or any HTTPS requests, and also mobile backend for events from Firebase analytics, a real-time database.
In terms of scalability, there is in-built provision for autoscaling. Google Functions supports 1,000 functions per project and allows 400 executions per function, which is claimed to be a soft limit. Google Functions allows an execution time of 540 seconds (9 minutes). Deployment is supported through ZIP upload, cloud storage, and cloud store repositories. The event source is through cloud pub/sub or cloud storage objects. The logging of function executions is managed through Stackdriver logging, which is Google Cloud's logging tool.
We will sail through Google Functions's DevOps approach in Chapter 5, Integrating DevOps with IBM – OpenWhisk, and will also look at the best practices around DevOps using Google Functions.