The Analytics pane
For every visual, we worked with the Field Area and the Format Area but there is an option you may have noticed that is called the Analytics Pane. This option is available for most visuals, but some of the options will not appear; for our example, we will look at the Line Chart example we created. Once we have that visual selected, we can choose the Analytics Pane and see that we are presented with seven different lines that can be added to the visual. All we have to do is decide which one we would like to be displayed and turn it on. For our visual, let's add an Average Line by expanding that section and selecting the Add option. Once the line has been added, we can change the color, name, transparency, style, and position from this same area, as seen in Figure 5-22. Users can add as many of these lines as they so choose, but remember, more is not necessarily better: