四 结论
China’s Limited Role in the DPRK Nuclear Issue
Cai Jian
Abstract In 1990s,DPRK’s nuclear issue caught the eyes of the international community. Crisis had been eased after the United States and DPRK signed the nuclear framework agreement in 1994.But at the end of 2002,the nuclear crisis again broke out. In order to solve the nuclear crisis,China,which has a major security concern in the peninsula,pushed related six parties to hold a few rounds six party talks,and made a great contribution for a peaceful solution to the crisis. But in my point of view,China’s role in solving the Korean nuclear crisis is limited for two reasons:one reason is that China’s diplomatic strategy restricted its role in the crisis,the second one is that China’s leverages which can be used to influence the DPRK is also limited.The key to resolve the nuclear crisis is in the United States’ hand.
Key Words the Nuclear Crisis;Limited Role;China
[1] http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2003-01/08/content_683434.htm.
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[3] 朝鲜发表声明,称退出条约是为了维护国家的最高利益,是对美国针对朝鲜的核战争活动和国际原子能机构秘书处内某些人处事不当的应有的自卫措施。朝鲜的这一声明使其成为退出该条约的第一个国家。声明全文见新华社1993年3月12日电。
[4] David E.Sanger,“North Korea,Fighting Inspection,Renounces Nuclear Arms Treaty”,New York Times,Mar.12,1993,A1,2.
[5] 新华社平壤1993年5月12日电。
[6] Richard Boucher,State Departments Spokesman,“North Korean Nuclear Program”,October 16,2002.
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[10] 1994年2月,美国国务卿克里斯托弗和日本首相细川护熙相继访问北京;3月28日,中韩两国在北京举行首脑会谈,同一天,江泽民总书记在北京同朝鲜军队总参谋长崔光举行会谈。在6月份核问题最紧张的时候,崔光元帅于6日再次访华,而韩国外长韩升洲8日访问北京,日本外相柿泽也于12日访华。
[11] 〔韩〕金大中:《韩半岛的统一和中国——1994年11月9日在复旦大学的演讲》,载复旦大学韩国研究中心编《韩国研究论丛》(第一辑),第9页。
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[13] 沈丁立:《朝鲜的核计划与东北亚安全》,载复旦大学韩国研究中心编《韩国研究论丛》(第一辑),第18页。实际上,卢泰愚总统首次访华时,中国国家主席杨尚昆就曾明确表示,中国不赞成用施压的办法解决问题。
[14] 新华社平壤1993年5月12日电。