This code is prepared by the North China Power Engineering Co.,Ltd.of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation in collaboration with associated organizations as required by the Notice on Development and Revision Plan of Standards for Engineering Construction in 2008(the second batch)issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development(JB〔2008〕105).
This code is organized into 11 chapters and 2 appendices,mainly including General,Terms,Seawater Source,and Intake and Discharge,Pretreatment System,Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination System,Distillation Desalination System,Storage,Treatment and Conditioning of Product Water,Waste Water Treatment,Chemical Dosing System,Anti-corrosion and Selection of Material,Electrical,Instrument and Control.
This code is administrated by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China.China Electricity Council is responsible for its daily management,and the North China Power Engineering Co.,Ltd.of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation is responsible for the interpretation of specific technical issues therein.During the implementation of this code,the interests concerned are expected to seriously summarize experience and collect relevant information based on the project practices and refer any comments and suggestions to North China Power Engineering Co.,Ltd.of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation at the address:A24 Huangsi Avenue,Xicheng District,Beijing,Zip:100120),for reference in the future revision of this code.
Chief drafting organizations,participants,leading authors and main reviews of this code:
Chief Drafting Organization:
North China Power Engineering Co.,Ltd.of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation
East China Electric Power Design Institute of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation
Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute
Southwest Electric Power Design Institute of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation
China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation
Leading Authors:
Zhou Jun Wang Jieru Lin Jianzhong Tao Zhenyan Li Ding Sun Yuwen
Du Honggang Ren Xiaodong Wang Huiyun Yao Xinghua Yu Le
Kong Xiangzheng Pan Shujing
Main Reviewers:
Wang Jian Tan Yongwen Zhang Changbin Ma Wenjing Tan Zhaoxia
Chen Rong Dong Liejun Yuan Pingfan Zhou Hongmei Tao Fengchun
Zhang Lan Wu Xuemin Pang Shenglin Zhu Xinqiang Zhang Jianli
Ye Chunsong Yang Baohong Cao Junrui Lu Xiang