3.2 Equipment Foundation
Ⅰ Dominant Items
3.2.1 The strength of equipment foundation shall meet the requirements of design documents.
Check quantity:full check.
Check method:check the handover documents for foundation.
3.2.2 The central standard plates and evaluation benchmark points,as well as measurement points shall be arranged according to the drawings,layout of central plates and elevation benchmark points drafted by the measurement and control network center before the positioning of equipments.The permanent central plate and elevation benchmark point shall be arranged for main equipment and continuous production line.
Check quantity:full check.
Check method:check the measurement result sheets and take visual check.
Ⅱ General Items
3.2.3 The position,elevation,dimensions of axis,position of anchor bolts on equipment foundation shall meet the requirements in design documents or current national standard GB 50231 General Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Installation Engineering.
Check quantity:full check.
Check method:check the review records for foundation.
3.2.4 Any oil stain,gravel,dirt,stagnant water on surface of equipment foundation and in preformed hole shall be cleared.The thread and nut of embedded anchor bolt shall be protected.
Check quantity:full check.
Check method:visual check.