44.Holistic Nursing Care(High Level Paraplegia)整体护理(高位截瘫)
Nurse: Mr. Liang,please open your mouth and let me brush your teeth,OK?
护士: 梁先生,请你张开嘴,让我来帮你刷牙、漱口,好吗?
Patient:(sadly)No,there is no need.
Nurse: The situation of your health makes everyone feel sad,but there is still hope. The chief doctor is going to perform the operation on you the day after tomorrow.Your condition will have some infuence on the success of the operation. Please tell me what you are thinking and let me share your concern,OK?
护士: 你现在的状况确实使大家都很痛苦,但并不是毫无希望呀!后天主任就要给你动手术进行复位。你的状况对手术会有一定的影响,告诉我你在想什么,让我来为你分担些,好吗?
Patient: Can I stand up again after the operation? Just tell me the truth,please.
病人: 手术会让我重新站起来吗?请告诉我实话。
Nurse: Spinal surgery technique progresses very quickly in our country and the doctor who will perform the operation on you is a noted authority in this feld.Your condition will definitely become better after the operation. Your tactile sensibility will be improved. At least you can sit in the wheelchair like Ms.Zhang Haidi. You will still be a health man if you believe you can do it and cooperate with us.
护士: 好的。国内脊柱外科手术发展得很快。给你做手术的医生又是国内最权威的。术后肯定比现在的状况要好,起码知觉要多一些。像张海迪那样坐在轮椅上不一样能成为强者吗?
Patient: OK.(The patient opened his mouth and the nurse did the oral care for him.)
病人: 好吧。(病人张开了嘴,护士为他做口腔护理。)
Nurse: Now you may have your breakfast. Mrs. Liang,you can feed him now.
护士: 漱完口你该吃早餐了,梁太太,你来喂他,好吗?
Patient’s wife: OK.(Mrs. Liang,began to feed the patient carefully and the nurse left.)
病人妻子: 好的。(梁太太开始细心地喂病人早餐,护士暂离。)
(That afternoon,Mrs. Liang went to the nurse and told her that her husband’s urinary catheter had slipped out and it needed to be reinserted. The nurse asked the doctor in charge to come to reinsert the catheter for the patient and also to give him some instruction.)
Nurse: The catheter can temporarily relieve the patient’s abdominal distention. But,we should not relay on it forever. We should clamp it for half an hour every two hours,to fll the bladder,and train the urination refex. Early bladder training will promote his self-urination control. Your burden will become less. Let’s try it,OK?
护士: 尿管只能暂时缓解病人腹胀,但不能“依赖”它。最好每两小时夹管半小时,让病人的膀胱充盈,培养其排尿的条件放射,这样及早促进病人自己控制排尿,你的负担就减轻了。怎么样?试着练几次,好吗?
Patient’s wife: Fine. I’ll try. Miss,I would like to talk to you in private if you have time.
病人妻子: 好的,我尽力试试。小姐,你有空吗?我想跟你单独谈谈。
Nurse: No problem,please come to my offce.(The patient’s wife went to the offce along with the nurse.)Sit down,please.
护士: 好吧,去我办公室吧。(病人妻子随护士进了办公室。)请坐。
Patient’s wife: Thank you.(sitting down,facing the nurse and keeping silent for a moment).
病人妻子: 谢谢。(坐下,护士在其对面坐下,沉默片刻)。
Nurse: Mrs. Liang,you are very brave. I’ll help you no matter it is psychological or how to take care of your husband.
护士: 梁太太,你很坚强。我很愿意帮你,无论是精神上还是在对病人的护理上。
Patient’s wife: Thank you(silent,sobbing). I’m in a dilemma and don’t know what to do when I think that I’ll have to face a paralyzed husband the rest of my life. I have my work and my dreams. But now...
病人妻子: 谢谢(沉默、流泪)!我很矛盾,一想到今后我将一辈子面对一个瘫痪在床的丈夫,简直不知所措,我有自己的理想和事业,而现在……
Nurse: Yes,everyone will be at a loss when facing such a situation like yours.However,we must face the reality. The most important thing you should do now is to support and encourage your husband. We should work together to help him go through all problems successfully before,during,and after the operation. The better the result of the operation,the fewer the problems you will have to face. I’m ready to help you at any time. Please trust me.
护士: 是的,任何人遇到如此巨大的灾难都将不知所措。然而我们毕竟还是要面对现实的,现在最关键的就是要支持和鼓励你丈夫,我们必须共同努力帮助他渡过术前、术中及术后的全部“难关”。手术效果越好你今后所面对的难题也就愈少。我会始终在你身边,随时帮助你,支持你,相信我。
Patient’s wife:(holding the nurse’s hand tightly and saying)I believe you.