31.Subarachnoid Hemorrhage蛛网膜下腔出血
Examiner: Be careful and do not move. I will check you right away on the stretcher.
检查者: 你小心点儿,不要动,就在平车上检查.。
Patient: Why?
病人: 为什么?
Examiner: To avoid another hemorrhage.
检查者: 防止再出血。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
Examiner: Keep quiet and don’t move your head as long as you can during the examination.
检查者: 检查时保持平静,你的头尽量保持不动。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
(after the examination.)
Patient: What have you found?
病人: 你发现了什么吗?
Examiner: There is vasospasm in your cerebral vessels. Here’s your report. You should give it to your physician,now.
检查者: 目前有脑血管痉挛。这是你的检查报告,给医生看。
Patient: Thank you very much.
病人: 多谢。