第4章 The Organ——Washington Irving[3]
The sound of casual footsteps had ceased from the abbey.I could only hear,now and then,the distant voice of the priest repeating the evening service,and the faint responses of the choir;these paused for atime,and all was hushed.The stillness,the desertion and obscurity that were gradually prevailing around,gave adeeper and more solemn interest to the place:
For in the silent grave no conversation,
No joyful tread of friends,no voice of lovers,
No careful father's counsel—nothing's heard,
For nothing is,but all oblivion,
Dust,and an endless darkness.
Suddenly the notes of the deep-laboring organ burst upon the ear,falling with doubled and redoubled intensity,and rolling,as it were,huge billows of sound.How well do their volume and grandeur accord with this mighty building!With what pomp do they swell through its vast vaults and breathe their awful harmony through these caves of death,and make the silent sepulchre vocal!—And now they rise in triumph and acclamation,heaving higher and higher their accordant notes,and piling sound on sound—And now they pause,and the soft voices of the choir break out into sweet gushes of melody;they soar aloft and warble along the roof,and seem to play about these lofty vaults like the pure airs of heaven.Again the pealing organ heaves its thrilling thunders,compressing air into music,and rolling it forth upon the soul.What long-drawn cadences!What solemn sweeping concords!It grows more and more dense and powerful—it fills the vast pile,and seems to jar the very walls—the ear is stunned—the senses are overwhelmed.And now it is winding up in full jubilee—it is rising from the earth to heaven—the very soul seems rapt away and floated upwards on the welling tide of harmony!
I sat for some time lost in that kind of reverie which astrain of music is apt sometimes to inspire;the shadows of everything were gradually thickening round me,the monuments began to cast deeper and deeper gloom,and the distant clock again gave token of the slowly waning day.
oblivion n. 遗忘;淹没
billow n. 巨浪
pomp n. 盛况;浮华
sepulchre n. 墓地
acclamation n. 喝彩;拥护
warble n. 鸟啭;颤声
jubilee n. 欢乐;节日
rapt adj. 入迷的;全神贯注的
reverie n. 冥想;白日梦
① The stillness,the desertion and obscurity that were gradually prevailing around,gave adeeper and more solemn interest to the place.这种突然一切归于清静寂灭、冷落无闻的气氛似乎迅速笼罩弥漫了整个寺院,而给这里平添了无限的幽深情趣。
② I sat for some time lost in that kind of reverie which astrain of music is apt sometimes to inspire;the shadows of everything were gradually thickening round me,the monuments began to cast deeper and deeper gloom,and the distant clock again gave token of the slowly waning day.我默坐在那里不觉凝思移时,因音乐每有这种令人神往的陶醉作用;这时黄昏的暗影已渐渐密集脚下,周围墓碑也已色泽转暗,而远处的钟声则宣告白昼已逝。