Payoff Potential Quiz
If you choose this enrichment goal...
• What’s in it for you?
How will it build your skills?
How will it increase your marketability in your organization? In your profession?
How will it increase your reputation as a specialist or generalist?
How will it help you gain more confidence and competence in your current position?
How will it extend your network?
How will it spice up your day-to-day work life?
• What’s in it for your work group?
How will it help you work more effectively with your current team?
How will it increase/enhance your contribution to your work group or department?
How will it make their lives better, easier, more fun?
• What’s in it for the organization?
How will it increase your value to the organization?
How does it contribute to current organizational mission, strategy, or goals?
How does it address a current relevant business need?
Note: The “What’s in It for You?” section is first and longest. That’s on purpose!
As you think about job enrichment, don’t feel as if you have to have all the answers, and don’t let yourself become the “fix-it” person. This is a collaborative process between you and every one of the talented people on your team. Ultimately, your employees need to move the needle on their own job satisfaction—with your support, of course! We wrote a book to help them do just that. It’s called Love It, Don’t Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work.
Bottom Line
If you help employees enrich their jobs, you can benefit them, their teams, and the entire organization. Stay alert to enrichment opportunities for all your employees. Encourage them to suggest ways to enrich their own jobs. Watch their “job EKGs” spike!