How to Use This Book
Follow the process described in this book if you truly want to build a positive future for yourself and a Seeing Red Cars culture in your team and organization. If your company is reeling from the economic downturn and you want to forge a path back to prosperity, you as an individual, your team, and your organization must embrace a positive outcomes mind-set. Seeing Red Cars is a powerful metaphor with supporting materials, videos, and activities around which you can build impactful and sustaining change. Start by reading the book yourself, completing the Red Cars activities, and plotting your own course. Then spread the word to others and encourage them to do the same. Thoughtful planning and actions toward your individual and collective “I wants” and driving with intention and your high beams on will position you, your team, and your organization for achieving success.
A note to leaders: This book offers a powerful toolkit and methodology to influence positive outcomes in your organization. Change is the new norm, and innovations are accelerating. The companies that ultimately survive and thrive will enable their employees to focus on their passions, interests, strengths, and values and to align these with the vision and values of the company. The Seeing Red Cars mind-set can guide employees in the development of personal and professional “I wants” that are recorded as monthly, weekly, and daily actions. When an entire organization of individuals is Seeing Red Cars and finally hits critical mass with this positive outcomes mind-set, great things happen.
Prepare for an awesome trip.