第二章 普通合伙企业
Chapter Ⅱ General Partnerships
第一节 合伙企业设立
Section 1 Establishment of a Partnership
第十四条 设立合伙企业,应当具备下列条件:
Article 14 For establishment of a partnership, the following conditions shall be met:
(1)having two or more partners. If a partner is a natural person, he shall have full capacity for civil conduct;
(2)having a written partnership agreement;
(3)having capital subscribed for or actually contributed by partners;
(4)having a name for the partnership as well as production and business premises; and
(5)other conditions provided for by laws and administrative regulations.
第十五条 合伙企业名称中应当标明“普通合伙”字样。
Article 15 The words“general partnership”shall be clearly indicated in the name of a partnership.
第十六条 合伙人可以用货币、实物、知识产权、土地使用权或者其他财产权利出资,也可以用劳务出资。
Article 16 A partner may make capital contributions in cash or in kind, or in the form of intellectual property rights, land-use right or other property rights, or labor services.
Where a partner makes capital contributions in kind or in the form of intellectual property rights, land-use right or other property rights, the value of which needs to be assessed, the value may be determined by all the partners through consultation, or be assessed by a statutory assessment institution authorized by all the partners.
Where a partner makes capital contributions in the form of labor services, the method of assessment shall be determined by all the partners through consultation and be clearly stated in the partnership agreement.
第十七条 合伙人应当按照合伙协议约定的出资方式、数额和缴付期限,履行出资义务。
Article 17 A partner shall fulfill the obligation of capital contributions in compliance with the form, amount and time limit for contribution, as are specified in the partnership agreement.
Where capital contributions are made with non-monetary property and, according to the provisions of laws or administrative regulations, formalities for transfer of the said property need to be completed, such formalities shall be completed according to law.
第十八条 合伙协议应当载明下列事项:
Article 18 In a partnership agreement, the following items shall be stated clearly:
(1)the name of the partnership and the location of its principal premises for business;
(2)the objectives of partnership and the scope of business of the partnership;
(3)thenames or titles, and domiciles of the partners;
(4)the form, amount and time limit for capital contributions to be made by the partners;
(5)the way of distributing profits and sharing losses;
(6)the management of partnership affairs;
(7)the entering into and retiring from the partnership;
(8)the method of dispute settlement;
(9)the dissolution and liquidation of the partnership; and
(10)the liability for breach of agreement.
第十九条 合伙协议经全体合伙人签名、盖章后生效。合伙人按照合伙协议享有权利,履行义务。
Article 19 A partnership agreement shall become effective after all the partners have signed or affixed their seals to it. A partner shall enjoy rights and undertake liabilities in accordance with the partnership agreement.
Amendment and supplement to the partnership agreement shall be subject to agreement reached by all the partners, unless otherwise stipulated in the partnership agreement.
For a matter which is not included in the partnership agreement or which is not clearly stated in the agreement, it shall be decided on by the partners through consultation; where consultation fails, it shall be handled according to the provisions of this Law and of other laws or administrative regulations.