We hope you will enjoy using this book, and that you will learn useful language and skills to help you to pass the IELTS speaking test. This book covers the following points:
Vocabulary and Common Expressions for IELTS speaking topics—this matches to ‘vocabulary’ in the marking criteria for the IELTS speaking test.
Each unit in this book has a Vocabulary Bank which includes useful words and expressions for discussing the topic.
Pronunciation Exercises—this matches to ‘Pronunciation’ in the marking criteria for the IELTS speaking test.
You will practice:
• Pronouncing individual words
• Linking words together
• Word and sentence stress
• Accurate use of rhythm and intonation for speaking in English
Grammar—this matches to ‘Grammar’ in the marking criteria for the IELTS speaking test.
Useful and common grammar that you will need to successfully speak about the topics in the IELTS speaking test.
For example:
• The most common verb tenses and how and where to use them
• Correct grammar structures for describing things, telling stories about your own experience, comparing past and present events, speculating about the future and giving opinions
Structuring answers and linking ideas together—this matches to ‘Fluency and Coherence’ in the marking criteria for the IELTS speaking test.
For example:
• Useful and common ways to link ideas in speaking
• Ways to begin and extend and answer
• Practice in building fluency and confidence when discussing common IELTS speaking topics
All three parts of the IELTS speaking test are covered and practised in this book.
Work hard, take every opportunity to practice, enjoy your study and succeed in the IELTS Speaking test!
Good luck!