Oh therefore,Thou pattern of all virtues,take away from me all pernicious love of men,and all inordinate affection of friends;strip me of all impatience;give me steadfastness against all evil spirits,and meekness against all violent men.Give me,gentle Lord,Thy bitter death in the bottom of my heart,in my prayers,and in the practice of good works.tender Lord,I commend myself this day to the true fidelity and care of Thy pure Mother and Thy beloved disciple.
[Here say a Salve Regina or an Ave Maria.]
O pure and tender Mother,I shall remind thee today of the infinite sorrow of heart which thou didst endure.--1.At the first aspect of thy dear Child when thou didst see Him suspended in agony;2.Thou couldst not then come to Hiss assistance;3.Thou didst gaze in anguish of heart at thy beloved Son expiring before thine eyes;4.Thou didst lament over Him with great lamentation;5.And He comforted thee very kindly;6.His divine words pierced thy heart;7.Thy lamentable gestures softened the hard hearts of the Jews;8.Thy maternal arms and hands were most reverentially lifted up;
9.But thy sick body sank exhausted on the ground;10.Where thy tender mouth did affectionately kiss His fallen blood.
Oh,then Mother of all graces,watch over me like a mother for my whole life,and graciously shield me in the hour of my death.O gentle Lady!
behold,that is the hour for the sake of which I desire to be thy servant all my days.That is the dreadful hour which frightens my heart and soul,for then there will be an end to prayer and supplication.Then shall I,poor wretch,not know to whom to turn.Therefore,thou unfathomable abyss of divine compassion,I fall at thy feet this day with the fervent sighs of my heart,that I may then be found worthy of thy joyous presence.How should he ever despond,or what can injure him whom here,O purest Mother,thou dost protect?Ah,thou only consolation,defend me against the terrible looks of the wicked spirits,lend me aid and protection against the hands of the enemy!Hearken consolingly to my wretched sighs,look kindly with the eyes of thy compassion on my ghastly and enfeebled frame.Reach me thy beneficent hands.Receive my poor soul.With thy radiant countenance present it before the severe Judge,and install it in everlasting bliss!
Thou most intimate delight of the Heavenly Father!1.How wast Thou abandoned at that hour on the cross to every pang of bitter death exteriorly,and robbed of all sweetness and solace interiorly!2.Thou didst utter a cry of misery to Thy Father;3.Thy will Thou didst unite wholly to His;4.Thou didst thirst bodily by reason of great dryness!5.Thou didst thirst spiritually by reason of great love;6.Thy thirst was bitterly quenched;7.And when all things were fulfilled Thou didst exclaim:
Consummatum est?8.Thou wast obedient unto Thy Father,even unto death;9.
And Thou didst commend Thy Spirit into His Fatherly hands;10.And then Thy noble soul separated from Thy body.
Ah,Thou loving Lord,in this Thy love I desire that Thou wouldst open Thy Fatherly ears at all times to my call,and give me in all things a will united to Thine.Lord,quench in me all thirst after bodily things;make me thirst after spiritual goods.Sweet Lord,let Thy bitter drink change all my afflictions into sweetness.Grant me to persevere in perfect thoughts and in good works until death,and that I may never swerve from Thy obedience.
Eternal Wisdom,let my spirit be transferred from this day forth into Thy hands,so that at its final departure it may be joyfully received by Thee.
Lord,grant me a life pleasing in Thy sight;a death well prepared for;an end made sure by Thee.Lord,let Thy bitter death make amends for,and complete my insufficient works,so that at my last hours,guilt and punishment may be wholly effeced.