The sight of the river and the bridge he was nearing sug-gested a plan, and the ominous grating of the overheated motor warned him that whatever he was to do he must do at once. As he neared the bridge he reduced the speed of the car to fifteen miles an hour, and set the hand throttle to hold it there. Still gripping the steering wheel with one hand, he climbed over the left-hand door to the running board. As the front wheels of the car ran up onto the bridge Barney gave the steering wheel a sudden turn to the right, and jumped.
The car veered toward the wooden handrail, there was a splintering of stanchions, as, with a crash, the big machine plunged through them headforemost into the river. Without waiting to give even a glance at his handiwork Barney Cus-ter ran across the bridge, leaped the fence upon the right-hand side and plunged into the shelter of the wood.
Then he turned to look back up the road in the direction from which his pursuers were coming. They were not in sight--they had not seen his ruse. The water in the river was of sufficient depth to completely cover the car--no sign of it appeared above the surface.
Barney turned into the wood smiling. His scheme had worked well. The occupants of the two cars following him might not note the broken handrail, or, if they did, might not connect it with Barney in any way. In this event they would continue in the direction of Lustadt, wondering what in the world had become of their quarry. Or, if they guessed that his car had gone over into the river, they would doubt-less believe that its driver had gone with it. In either event Barney would be given ample time to find his way to Tann.
He wished that he might find other clothes, since if he were dressed otherwise there would be no reason to imagine that his pursuers would recognize him should they come upon him. None of them could possibly have gained a suf-ficiently good look at his features to recognize them again.
The Austrian uniform, however, would convict him, or at least lay him under suspicion, and in Barney's present case, suspicion was as good as conviction were he to fall into the hands of the Austrians. The garb had served its purpose well in aiding in his escape from Austria, but now it was more of a menace than an asset.
For a week Barney Custer wandered through the woods and mountains of Lutha. He did not dare approach or question any human being. Several times he had seen Aus-trian cavalry that seemed to be scouring the country for some purpose that the American could easily believe was closely connected with himself. At least he did not feel dis-posed to stop them, as they cantered past his hiding place, to inquire the nature of their business.
Such farmhouses as he came upon he gave a wide berth except at night, and then he only approached them stealthily for such provender as he might filch. Before the week was up he had become an expert chicken thief, being able to rob a roost as quietly as the most finished carpetbagger on the sunny side of Mason and Dixon's line.
A careless housewife, leaving her lord and master's rough shirt and trousers hanging upon the line overnight, had made possible for Barney the coveted change in raiment.
Now he was barged as a Luthanian peasant. He was hat-less, since the lady had failed to hang out her mate's woolen cap, and Barney had not dared retain a single ves-tige of the damning Austrian uniform.
What the peasant woman thought when she discovered the empty line the following morning Barney could only guess, but he was morally certain that her grief was more than tempered by the gold piece he had wrapped in a bit of cloth torn from the soldier's coat he had worn, which he pinned on the line where the shirt and pants had been.
It was somewhere near noon upon the seventh day that Barney skirting a little stream, followed through the con-cealing shade of a forest toward the west. In his peasant dress he now felt safer to approach a farmhouse and in-quire his way to Tann, for he had come a sufficient distance from the spot where he had stolen his new clothes to hope that they would not be recognized or that the news of their theft had not preceded him.
As he walked he heard the sound of the feet of a horse galloping over a dry field--muffled, rapid thud approach-ing closer upon his right hand. Barney remained motionless.
He was sure that the rider would not enter the wood which, with its low-hanging boughs and thick underbrush, was ill adapted to equestrianism.
Closer and closer came the sound until it ceased suddenly scarce a hundred yards from where the American hid. He waited in silence to discover what would happen next.
Would the rider enter the wood on foot? What was his pur-pose? Was it another Austrian who had by some miracle discovered the whereabouts of the fugitive? Barney could scarce believe it possible.
Presently he heard another horse approaching at the same mad gallop. He heard the sound of rapid, almost frantic efforts of some nature where the first horse had come to a stop. He heard a voice urging the animal forward--plead-ing, threatening. A woman's voice. Barney's excitement be-came intense in sympathy with the subdued excitement of the woman whom he could not as yet see.
A moment later the second rider came to a stop at the same point at which the first had reined in. A man's voice rose roughly. "Halt!" it cried. "In the name of the king, halt!" The American could no longer resist the temptation to see what was going on so close to him "in the name of the king."He advanced from behind his tree until he saw the two figures--a man's and a woman's. Some bushes intervened--he could not get a clear view of them, yet there was some-thing about the figure of the woman, whose back was to-ward him as she struggled to mount her frightened horse, that caused him to leap rapidly toward her. He rounded a tree a few paces from her just as the man--a trooper in the uniform of the house of Blentz--caught her arm and dragged her from the saddle. At the same instant Barney recognized the girl--it was Princess Emma.
Before either the trooper or the princess were aware of his presence he had leaped to the man's side and dealt him a blow that stretched him at full length upon the ground--stunned.