第15章 The Ten Commandments(10)
For all authority flows and is propagated from the authority of parents.For where a father is unable alone to educate his [rebellious and irritable]child,he employs a schoolmaster to instruct him;if he be too weak,he enlists the aid of his friends and neighbors;if he departs this life,he delegates and confers his authority and government upon others who are appointed for the purpose.Likewise,he must have domestics,man-servants and maid-servants,under himself for the management of the household,so that all whom we call masters are in the place of parents and must derive their power and authority to govern from them.Hence also they are all called fathers in the Scriptures,as those who in their government perform the functions of a father,and should have a paternal heart toward their subordinates.As also from antiquity the Romans and other nations called the masters and mistresses of the household patres-et matresfamiliae that is,housefathers and housemothers.So also they called their national rulers and overlords patres patriae,that is fathers of the entire country,for a great shame to us who would be Christians that we do not likewise call them so,or,at least do not esteem and honor them as such.
Now,what a child owes to father and mother,the same owe all who are embraced in the household.Therefore man-servants and maid-servants should be careful not only to be obedient to their masters and mistresses but also to honor them as their own fathers and mothers,and to do everything which they know is expected of them,not from compulsion and with reluctance,but with pleasure and joy for the cause just mentioned,namely that it is God's command and is pleasing to Him above all other works.Therefore they ought rather to pay wages in addition and be glad that they may obtain masters and mistresses to have such joyful consciences and to know how they may do truly golden works;a matter which has hitherto been neglected and despised,when,instead,everybody ran in the devil's name,into convents or to pilgrimages and indulgences,with loss [of time and money]and with an evil conscience.
If this truth,then,could be impressed upon the poor people,a servant-girl would leap and praise and thank God;and with her tidy work for which she receives support and wages she would acquire such a treasure as all that are esteemed the greatest saints have not obtained.Is it not an excellent boast to know and say that,if you perform your daily domestic task,this is better than all the sanctity and ascetic life of monks?And you have the promise,in addition,that you shall prosper in all good and fare well.How can you lead a more blessed or holier life as far as your works are concerned?For in the sight of God faith is what really renders a person holy,and alone serves Him,but the works are for the service of man.There you have everything good,protection and defense in the Lord,a joyful conscience and a gracious God besides,who will reward you a hundredfold,so that you are even a nobleman if you be only pious and obedient.But if not,you have,in the first place,nothing but the wrath and displeasure of God,no peace of heart,and afterwards all manner of plagues and misfortunes.
Whoever will not be influenced by this and inclined to godliness we hand over to the hangman and to the skeleton-man.Therefore let every one who allows himself to be advised remember that God is not making sport,and know that it is God who speaks with you and demands obedience.If you obey Him,you are His dear child;but if you despise to do it,then take shame,misery,and grief for your reward.
The same also is to be said of obedience to civil government,which (as we have said)is all embraced in the estate of fatherhood and extends farthest of all relations.For here the father is not one of a single family,but of as many people as he has tenants,citizens,or subjects.
For through them,as through our parents,God gives to us food,house and home,protection and security.Therefore since they bear such name and title with all honor as their highest dignity,it is our duty to honor them and to esteem them great as the dearest treasure and the most precious jewel upon earth.
He,now,who is obedient here,is willing and ready to serve,and cheerfully does all that pertains to honor,knows that he is pleasing God and that he will receive joy and happiness for his reward.If he will not do it in love,but despises and resists [authority]or rebels,let him also know,on the other hand,that he shall have no favor nor blessing,and where he thinks to gain a florin thereby,he will elsewhere lose ten times as much,or become a victim to the hangman,perish by war,pestilence,and famine,or experience no good in his children,and be obliged to suffer injury,injustice,and violence at the hands of his servants,neighbors,or strangers and tyrants;so that what we seek and deserve is paid back and comes home to us.
If we would ever suffer ourselves to be persuaded that such works are pleasing to God and have so rich a reward,we would be established in altogether abundant possessions and have what our heart desires.But because the word and command of God are so lightly esteemed,as though some babbler had spoken it,let us see whether you are the man to oppose Him.How difficult,do you think,it will be for Him to recompense you!Therefore you would certainly live much better with the divine favor,peace,and happiness than with His displeasure and misfortune.Why,think you,is the world now so full of unfaithfulness,disgrace,calamity,and murder,but because every one desires to be his own master and free from the emperor,to care nothing for any one,and do what pleases him?Therefore God punishes one knave by another,so that,when you defraud and despise your master,another comes and deals in like manner with you,yea,in your household you must suffer ten times more from wife,children,or servants.