They waited, but the schoolmaster cast no look towards them, and still sat, thoughtful and silent, in the little porch.He had a kind face.In his plain old suit of black, he looked pale and meagre.They fancied, too, a lonely air about him and his house, but perhaps that was because the other people formed a merry company upon the green, and he seemed the only solitary man in all the place.
They were very tired, and the child would have been bold enough to address even a schoolmaster, but for something in his manner which seemed to denote that he was uneasy or distressed.As they stood hesitating at a little distance, they saw that he sat for a few minutes at a time like one in a brown study, then laid aside his pipe and took a few turns in his garden, then approached the gate and looked towards the green, then took up his pipe again with a sigh, and sat down thoughtfully as before.
As nobody else appeared and it would soon be dark, Nell at length took courage, and when he had resumed his pipe and seat, ventured to draw near, leading her grandfather by the hand.The slight noise they made in raising the latch of the wicket-gate, caught his attention.He looked at them kindly but seemed disappointed too, and slightly shook his head.
Nell dropped a curtsey, and told him they were poor travellers who sought a shelter for the night which they would gladly pay for, so far as their means allowed.The schoolmaster looked earnestly at her as she spoke, laid aside his pipe, and rose up directly.
'If you could direct us anywhere,sir,' said the child, 'we should take it very kindly.'
'You have been walking a long way,' said the schoolmaster.
'A long way, Sir,' the child replied.
'You're a young traveller, my child,' he said, laying his hand gently on her head.'Your grandchild, friend? '
'Aye, Sir,' cried the old man, 'and the stay and comfort of my life.'
'Come in,' said the schoolmaster.
Without further preface he conducted them into his little school-room, which was parlour and kitchen likewise, and told them that they were welcome to remain under his roof till morning.
Before they had done thanking him, he spread a coarse white cloth upon the table, with knives and platters; and bringing out some bread and cold meat and a jug of beer, besought them to eat and drink.
The child looked round the room as she took her seat.There were a couple of forms, notched and cut and inked all over; a small deal desk perched on four legs, at which no doubt the master sat; a few dog's-eared books upon a high shelf; and beside them a motley collection of peg-tops, balls, kites, fishing-lines, marbles, half-eaten apples, and other confiscated property of idle urchins.