第115章 CCXXVI
That Emperour down from his horse descends;To the green grass, kneeling, his face he bends.
Then turns his eyes towards the Orient, Calls upon God with heartiest intent:
"Very Father, this day do me defend, Who to Jonas succour didst truly send Out of the whale's belly, where he was pent;And who didst spare the king of Niniven, And Daniel from marvellous torment When he was caged within the lions' den;And three children, all in a fire ardent:
Thy gracious Love to me be here present.
In Thy Mercy, if it please Thee, consent That my nephew Rollant I may avenge.
When he had prayed, upon his feet he stepped, With the strong mark of virtue signed his head;Upon his swift charger the King mounted While Jozerans and Neimes his stirrup held;He took his shield, his trenchant spear he kept;Fine limbs he had, both gallant and well set;Clear was his face and filled with good intent.
Vigorously he cantered onward thence.
In front, in rear, they sounded their trumpets, Above them all boomed the olifant again.
Then all the Franks for pity of Rollant wept.