第8章 沙与沫(8)
You cannot have youth and the knowledge of it at the same time;For youth is too busy living to know, and knowledge is too busyseeking itself to live.
You may sit at your window watching the passersby. And watchingyou may see a nun walking toward your right hand, and a prostitute towardyour left hand.
And you may say in your innocence, "How noble is the one and howignoble is the other."
But should you close your eyes and listen a while you would hear avoice whispering in the ether, "One seeks me in prayer, and the other inpain. And in the spirit of each there is a bower for my spirit."
Once every hundred years Jesus of Nazareth meets Jesus of theChristian in a garden among the hills of Lebanon. And they talk long; andeach time Jesus of Nazareth goes away saying to Jesus of the Christian,"My friend, I fear we shall never, never agree."
May God feed the over-abundant!
A great man has two hearts; one bleeds and the other forbears.
Should one tell a lie which does not hurt you noranyone else, why not say in your heart that the house ofhis facts is too small for his fancies, and he had to leaveit for larger space?
Behind every closed door is a mystery sealed withseven seals.
Waiting is the hoofs of time.
What if trouble should be a new window in theEastern wall of your house?
You may forget the one with whom you havelaughed, but never the one with whom you have wept.
There must be something strangely sacred in salt.It is in our tears and in the sea.
Our God in His gracious thirst will drink us all, thedewdrop and the tear.
You are but a fragment of your giant self, a mouth that seeks bread,and a blind hand that holds the cup for a thirsty mouth.
If you would rise but a cubit above race and country and self youwould indeed become godlike.
If I were you I would not find fault with the sea at low tide.
It is a good ship and our Captain is able; it is only your stomach that isin disorder.
Should you sit upon a cloud you would not see the boundary linebetween one country and another, nor the boundary stone between a farmand a farm.
It is a pity you cannot sit upon a cloud.
Seven centuries ago seven white doves rose from a deep valley flyingto the snow-white summit of the mountain. One of the seven men whowatched the flight said, "I see a black spot on the wing of the seventh dove."
Today the people in that valley tell of seven black doves who flew tothe summit of the snowy mountain.
In the autumn I gathered all my sorrows and buried them inmy garden.
And when April returned and spring came to wed the earth,there grew in my garden beautiful flowers unlike all other flowers.
And my neighbors came to behold them, and they all said tome, "When autumn comes again, at seeding time, will you not giveus of the seeds of these flowers that we may have them in ourgardens?"
It is indeed misery if I stretch an empty hand to men andreceive nothing; but it is hopelessness if I stretch a full hand andfind none to receive.
I long for eternity because there I shall meet my unwrittenpoems and my unpainted pictures.
Art is a step from nature toward the Infinite.
A work of art is a mist carved into an image.
Even the hands that make crowns of thorns are better than idle hands.
Our most sacred tears never seek our eyes.
Every man is the descendant of every king and every slave that everlived.
If the great-grandfather of Jesus had known what was hidden withinhim, would he not have stood in awe of himself?
Was the love of Judas" mother of her son less than the love of Mary forJesus?
There are three miracles of our Brother Jesus not yet recorded in theBook: the first that He was a man like you and me; the second that He hada sense of humour; and the third that He knew He was a conqueror thoughconquered.
Crucified One, you are crucified upon my heart; and the nails thatpierce your hands pierce the walls of my heart.
And tomorrow when a stranger passes by this Golgotha he will notknow that two bled here.
He will deem it the blood of one man.
You may have heard of the Blessed Mountain.
It is tile highest mountain in our world.
Should you reach the summit you would have only one desire, and thatto descend and be with those who dwell in the deepest valley.
That is why it is called the Blessed Mountain.
Every thought I have imprisoned in expression I must free by mydeeds.