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MariaDB Cookbook
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Chapter 1. Getting Started with MariaDB
Installing MariaDB on Windows
Installing MariaDB on Linux
Installing MariaDB on Mac OS X
Enabling the Feedback plugin
Switching between InnoDB and XtraDB
Creating a backup user
Making backups with XtraBackup
Making backups with mysqldump
Checking and optimizing tables automatically with mysqlcheck and cron
Using progress reporting in the mysql client
Chapter 2. Diving Deep into MariaDB
Importing the data exported by mysqldump
Using SHOW EXPLAIN with running queries
Producing HTML output
Producing XML output
Migrating a table from MyISAM to Aria
Migrating a table from MyISAM or Aria to InnoDB or XtraDB
Chapter 3. Optimizing and Tuning MariaDB
Using SHOW STATUS to check if a feature is being used
Controlling MariaDB optimizer strategies
Using extended keys with InnoDB and XtraDB
Configuring the Aria two-step deadlock detection
Configuring the MyISAM segmented key cache
Configuring threadpool
Configuring the Aria pagecache
Optimizing queries with the subquery cache
Optimizing semijoin subqueries
Creating an index
Creating a full-text index
Removing an index
Using JOINs
Using microseconds in the DATETIME columns
Updating DATETIME and TIMESTAMP columns automatically
Chapter 4. The TokuDB Storage Engine
Installing TokuDB
Configuring TokuDB
Creating TokuDB tables
Migrating to TokuDB
Adding indexes to TokuDB tables
Modifying the compression of a TokuDB table
Chapter 5. The CONNECT Storage Engine
Installing the CONNECT storage engine
Creating and dropping CONNECT tables
Reading and writing CSV data using CONNECT
Reading and writing XML data using CONNECT
Accessing MariaDB tables using CONNECT
Using the XCOL table type
Using the PIVOT table type
Using the OCCUR table type
Using the WMI table type
Using the MAC address table type
Chapter 6. Replication in MariaDB
Setting up replication
Using global transaction IDs
Using multisource replication
Enhancing the binlog with row event annotations
Configuring binlog event checksums
Selectively skipping the replication of binlog events
Chapter 7. Replication with MariaDB Galera Cluster
Installing MariaDB Galera Cluster
Dropping a node from MariaDB Galera Cluster
Shutting down MariaDB Galera Cluster
Chapter 8. Performance and Usage Statistics
Installing the Audit Plugin
Using the Audit Plugin
Using engine-independent table statistics
Using extended statistics
Enabling the performance schema
Using the performance schema
Chapter 9. Searching Data Using Sphinx
Installing SphinxSE in MariaDB
Installing the Sphinx daemon on Linux
Installing the Sphinx daemon on Windows
Configuring the Sphinx daemon